Time Bomb

We now nothing is there forever. We change, objetcs change, the landscape changes. Our mood changes. Our body changes.

Made out of a material that disintegrates with time, Time-Bomb Dear bracelet is a temporary piece of jewelry. 

Wether you choose it for a loved one or for yourself, TBD changes as your love changes, as you change. TBD knows that your love fades along time. She understands. She has been designed for that. It is also her nature to change, and accompany you as you change.

TBD does the job for you. No need to think you need to keep it for good. No need to confront the guilt of getting rid of it. No need to apply the KonMari method. TBD dies.

TBD comes in a beautiful package, expiration date included. You may choose the desired length of your affection. We offer 3 types, with 3 different price ranges:

  • fast & furious
  • mild & mighty, and
  • long & luminous.

How dear is your love? Or how dare?

Drop me some love (or hate, or both), on the comment lines below. 

In Time We Ice

While welcoming the summer heat, I got to discover something that seems now so obvious: why not freezing some thread?

And the textures I got were quite intriguing.

Then it came: why not putting them over my body? And the first iced wearable was born. 

When wearing this innocent frozen necklace, and ready to reflect on temperature and texture, I discovered that ice actually was a representation of time.

We cannot freeze time. But we can materialize our time frozen. 

Get my iced impression on this 
new video below (audio included!)

Now I invite you to freeze and wear your own time block. And besides refreshing yourself, do share with me in the comments below

  • How do you imagine your iced time block in form and size?
  • How and where do you wear it on your body?

My 10 "softmandments"

Softness is an attitude I see as necessary in our current environment. Softness as new strentgh: standing strong and with flexibility, empathy and connection.

How can softness become a design attitude?

While I search for it, find it in many designer's work and try to pursue it in my own, it seemed necessary to solidify a softness statement. Here is my first attempt:

10 Softmandments.jpg

* "product" to be replaced with space, interior, object, texture, building, neighborhood...